ISSN: 1658-8096 0165358259 [email protected]

A scientific refereed journal issued by the University of Hail


Introduction to the journal

The University of Ha’il Journal of Science (UOHJS) is an open access journal published by the University of Ha’il, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under supervision of Vice Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research. The UOHJS is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative and advances in basic sciences, engineering, computer science and business administration. The UOHJS aims to be a leading source of high quality scientific research and to provide fast publication with no cost to researchers from both academia and industry.

Journal mission

Firstly, to serve scientists, researchers, and the community through the publication of advances in all branches of sciences. Secondly, to provide a prompt platform for authors to share the recent findings in the fields of sciences.

Journal Period

UOHJS is a scientific refereed journal published two issues per year (Jan, Jun). A first decision about each submitted manuscript will be reached within 2 weeks from submission. An added time of 2-4 weeks should be considered for each additional amendments or review. Accepted manuscript is expected to publish in the following issue.

Publication language

The Journal is published in English language only and edited by an international group of eminent researchers.

Journal Vision

Excellence in research dissemination in all fields of sciences according to international standards.

journal vessels published

The journal is issued on paper according to the applicable rules and regulations for refereed scientific journals

Accepted papers are published in the journal, after reviewing it, electronically to make scientific knowledge more widely distributed in all scientific institutions inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


of publication in the journal

The Journal of Human Sciences at the University of Hail is interested in publishing the contributions of researchers on various human social and literary issues in addition to publishing studies and articles that have internationally recognized scientific principles and standards and accepts papers written in Arabic and English in their field of specialization, as the journal is concerned with the following disciplines:

Psychology, Sociology, Social Work, and Philosophy


Curricula, teaching methods, and various educational sciences


Islamic Studies, Sharia and Law


Islamic Studies, Sharia and Law


media and Communication


Sharia and law


Journal of Human Sciences in Brief

Scientific journals are tools for generating scientific knowledge in objective ways through the use of a sober scientific method away from randomness and speculation. Humanitarian journals are one of the branches of scientific journals that study phenomena and problems of a human cognitive nature in their multiplicity of fields, whether literary, psychological, legal, geographical or historical. Where the researchers, through their efforts and intellectual production, in these journals after they study a research problem that disturbs society, or they investigate scientific facts about research knowledge or theories, and in which researchers undertake investigation and hypothesis, collect information and analyze results, and develop proposals about various scientific and societal phenomena and issues, in order to achieve A scientific research product whose results serve scientific research and society in the various journals of human knowledge.

The University of Hail seeks, under the direction of His Excellency the President of the University and the Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, to develop the mechanisms of research work by creating multiple channels to raise the level of scientific publication for researchers, whether from the faculty at the University of Hail, from Saudi universities or from universities from various countries of the world, and that Belief from the University of Hail in one of its main roles, which is to provide an opportunity for researchers to discover scientific knowledge of novelty and originality, which achieves growth and development of areas of human life in the various fields of qualitative research work.

The Journal of Human Sciences has consistently achieved the university’s goals by providing the opportunity for distinguished researchers to achieve their goals and research ambitions in scientific production and innovation in the various fields of human sciences, and to achieve discoveries and proposals that contribute to the service and development of society in its various categories and multiple issues, as the journal publishes every year Preparations to provide an opportunity for researchers to submit their scientific research contributions from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or from various countries of the year, as these scientific contributions are subject to conditions and criteria to verify their eligibility for publication, the extent of their quality, originality and innovation, and their observance of the stages of the rigorous scientific method, and its global standards.

Dr. Abduaziz AlGhamedi

Editor in chief, University of Hail

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